Alia Mai MSW, RCC

Therapy for BIPOC

Your experience is valid, your feelings matter.

As Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC), we encounter distinctive hurdles and obstacles in this world. Systems of injustice and oppression shape our individual and collective journeys. We raise our voices, yet they often go unheard. We show up, yet our presence isn’t always acknowledged. It becomes challenging to express our true selves in both personal and professional spheres when we’re not recognized, embraced, or understood.

Our encounters with oppression, discrimination, and intergenerational trauma deeply affect our mental well-being. We may grapple with stress, anxiety, and diminished self-worth. Some of us may contend with feelings of inadequacy, depression, and distrust of others. As a culturally affirming and BIPOC therapist, I’m committed to fostering a space where your cultural heritage is honored and celebrated.

My Approach

I believe true healing and transformation begin with understanding the context in which harm has occurred—whether familial, cultural, or societal. I see my clients experiences as deeply connected to these contexts and strive to create a space where harmful power structures can be challenged, paving the way for healing, liberation, and empowerment.

My therapeutic approach is rooted in Anti-Oppressive Practice, a critical framework that helps us identify and dismantle oppressive structures and practices. I am committed to considering how social location and associated oppression impact the issues each person brings to therapy, ensuring a compassionate and empowering therapeutic experience.

Counseling services for Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour in Canada.

My Approach

I believe true healing and transformation begin with understanding the context in which harm has occurred—whether familial, cultural, or societal. I see my clients experiences as deeply connected to these contexts and strive to create a space where harmful power structures can be challenged, paving the way for healing, liberation, and empowerment.

My therapeutic approach is rooted in Anti-Oppressive Practice, a critical framework that helps us identify and dismantle oppressive structures and practices. I am committed to considering how social location and associated oppression impact the issues each person brings to therapy, ensuring a compassionate and empowering therapeutic experience.

I collaborate with BIPOC individuals navigating